Case Study

Hide Bar, Toller Patio, and Royal 38: Restaurant Consulting Case Study in Dallas

Dallas, Texas

About the Project

In 2015 the Gilkey team met with the owners of Hide Bar and began a journey assisting them in building their restaurant company.

The Challenge

The Gilkey team has been fortunate to provide assistance with a variety of projects for the Hide Bar father and son team. Our first challenge was to create a compelling food program for their exclusive cocktail lounge, Hide Bar, located in Deep Ellym Dallas.

Our Solution

The Gilkey Restaurant Consulting Group, along with the Hide team, created a vision for Hide Bar’s brand identity. The Gilkey team then created food items for the Hide team to select from including food tastings, which resulted in their menu, the kitchen design, and training materials.

Services Provided

The Gilkey team developed the Hide menu, designed their kitchen , developed all recipes, developed all back of house operating systems, and sent a team to Hide Bar to train their staff . Since the opening of Hide Bar, the Gilkey Consulting team has provided the same services for the owner’s new projects Toller Patio and currently Royal 38 scheduled to open in the spring of 2020.

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